Lake Ontario discussion, Pen rearing projects/fish stocking, fishery news, general fishing questions and just about anything else regarding Lake Ontario fishing.
- 7, 344 topics
- 59, 351 replies

South Shore (United States) New York Fishing Reports. Here you will find where the hot bite is and how to get them going. This section of the message board is only viewable by Lake Ontario United registered members.
- 8, 222 topics
- 52, 027 replies
- Protected Forum
- By Wadeing in the lillys
- Today, 9:59 AM
North Shore (Ontario Canada) Fishing Reports. Here you will find where the hot bite is and how to get them going. This section of the message board is only viewable by Lake Ontario United registered members.
- By steve-hamilton
Instant Fishing Report (Lake Wide). Live from the top charter captains on Lake Ontario, these reports are up to the second daily!
Today Lake Ontario sports more fishing tournaments than it has ever before in its history. From memorial & charity tournaments all the way up to some of the most competitive professional tournaments found on the Great Lakes. Post your tournament details here for free!

The voice of LOU members. Be heard and make a difference on regulatory and legislative issues. Find out more about the latest issues facing Lake Ontario, who to contact and where to send comments, concerns and petitions.
New to Trout & Salmon trolling? Don't be afraid to ask a question about anything! The LOU community is filled with some of the most experienced sport fishermen this lake has ever seen.
- 1, 832 topics
- 15, 338 replies
Dicussion on what lures, equipment or techniques are hot (or not) out on the big lake. Also you will find product reviews and new product updates.
- 3, 142 topics
- 23, 419 replies
Want to now what that lure looks like that you hear mentioned on the vhf? Here you will find pictures and nicknames for all those hot lures we use out on the big lake. PLEASE keep this section for photos with name & brief description only.
This forum is to exchange ideas on how to setup your boat for sport fishing & ask all those boat and marine electronics related questions.
- 2, 989 topics
- 20, 928 replies
Recipes, Cooking What You Catch or Hunt - How to cook your catch to a mouth-watering perfection. Bon Appetit!
Photos of on the water, boats, and fish. Its super easy to post all your pictures from your adventures out on this great lake.