Zoo Membership is the Best Deal in Town!
You won’t have to give up much of the money you’ve squirreled away in order to become a member of the Lake Superior Zoo. Family and Grandparent memberships are just $75. You read that right- just seventy five dollars.
Not only do families get free and unlimited generally admission to the zoo for one full year, they also qualify for
Use your fingers, fins, hooves and toes to count them up! That’s a super-ginormous deal on over 500 exciting places to visit!
NOTE: For the ASTC Travel Passport Program, some local restrictions may apply. Contact your local participating science center or museum for more information. We have a special local arrangement with the Duluth Children’s Museum and the Great Lakes Aquarium which offers a 50% discount on general admission to those attractions when you show your zoo membership card and ID.
Party Like an Animal!
Check out this l—o—n—g line-up of ADDITIONAL zoo membership perks!
- Each June we throw a “by invitation only” M.A.D. Safari party for our members. Our members enjoy free entertainment, top-notch food vendors, tours of our Willard Munger Animal Care Center (normally closed to the public), a new animal enrichment every 20 minutes and more!
- Zoo members receive generous discounts on educational classes, zoo camps and birthday parties (save on the birthday party alone!)
- When you visit, you’ll enjoy 10% off your purchases in the Tiger’s Paw Gift Shop and Safari Café.
Plus, you’re welcome to use a stroller free of charge (limited to one per visit and availability.)
BONUS… As a member of the Lake Superior Zoological Society, you’ll have a warm and fuzzy feeling knowing that you’re helping to ensure that the region has this incredible resource for generations to come!
Run With a Wild Crowd!
Apply to become a member:
Membership Categories:
$45 Individual – One adult named on the card
$65 Individual Plus 1 – Bring a guest with you when you visit or name another adult
$75 Family – One or two adults named on the card residing at the same address and their children under age 18
$75 Grandparent — One or two adults named on the card residing at the same address and their grandchildren children under age 18
$110 Conservationist – Members may bring up to two guests each visit