Your student loan statement shouldn't be a mystery. We designed it with you in mind—to provide you with clear, easy-to-read information about all of your accounts. Whether you receive an email or a paper statement, you'll find all of the essential account information in one concise summary every month.
Review your current information
On the paper statement you'll find any payments we've received in the last 30 days and the amount of your scheduled monthly payment. If you have a past due amount or fees, they'll be included here, too. On the email statement, you'll find your total amount due and your due date. To find any payment history or late fees due, log into your account to view your billing statement online.
See your progress
This is where you can find a snapshot of your accounts—how much you borrowed, how much you've repaid, and how much you still owe. Each month these numbers help you see that you're making progress repaying your student loans. If you receive an email statement, log into your account to see your progress online.
Make your payment
Making your payment is easy. The fastest way to pay is to make a payment online or, if you sign up for Auto Pay, we'll automatically withdraw your payment for you. If you receive a paper statement, we've included a tear-off slip noting your monthly payment amount and due date.
Find answers
We've provided the answers to some commonly asked questions. If you receive an email, follow the link to our website for answers. On the paper statement, you'll find the answers on the back of your statement. If you can't find what you're looking for, please get in touch with us.
Get all the details
The Accounts in this Statement section provides a breakdown of each loan. You'll find your interest rate, any fees paid, the lifetime amount paid, and much more. It's important to note that if you have multiple student loans at the same interest rate in an account, those loans are grouped together and shown as a single amount on your statement. You can see your loans broken down individually on your Payment Schedule and Disclosure or your Account Summary. If you receive the email statement, log into your account to see your Accounts in this Statement. If you receive a paper statement, it's on the second sheet of paper.