Body found in Lake Ontario

December 6, 2014
Body found in Lake Ontario

Sheriff's deputies say a kayaker spotted a body in Lake Ontario Friday evening.

We're told the body was found around 5:30 p.m. east of Irondequoit Bay.

The sheriff's office tells us the person on a kayak was going by when the body was discovered. Deputies responded along with West Webster firefighters to begin the tedious work of recovering the body and identifying the person.

"Of course there are no witnesses around, " says Lieutenant Scott Alberti

Lt. Alberti, with the Monroe County Sheriff's Office, says one of the biggest challenges will be determining how the body ended up in the water. The sheriff's office would only tell us it is a male, but it is not releasing an identity.

The body was found in the area of 600 Lake Road in Webster. The Monroe County Medical Examiner was taken out on the sheriff's boat along with technicians to gather evidence. There's no word on how long the body was in the water. However, Alberti says there are a number of questions still to answer.

He says, "Where did that body originate from? These waters? It could come from many places around Lake Ontario, maybe through rivers. So we don't know where the source of origin is. It's another thing we have to work on; making the identify, who it is, and maybe that will help us come up with where this person first came up missing."

The sheriff's office is treating this as an unattended death which means investigators are treating it as suspicious. They are not yet calling it a homicide investigation.

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