Lake St. John Ontario

July 10, 2014

Lake Simcoe

Lake Simcoe is the West side boundary of Ramara Township, boasting clean water and beautiful beaches. Lake Simcoe also is the home to many different species of fish, making it a great spot for fishing trips. There are many public beaches to visit that will make your visit to Ramara Township a memorable one. Check out the Ramara Map for marinas, launch ramps, and public beach locations.

Lake Couchiching

Located at the north end of Ramara Township, Lake Couchiching is the connecting body between Lake Simcoe and the Trent Severn waterway. Beginning in Atherley and stretching 16km north, Lake Couchiching is a hotspot for summer and ice fishing. Fishing weirs were date back to the 1800’s and exist in the water at the south end of Lake Couchiching. Check out the Ramara Map for location of the weirs, marinas, launch ramps, and public beaches.

Lake St. John

Popular for its pike and walleye fishing, Lake St John is a small lake located East of Lake Couchiching. It’s a five minute drive from Casino Rama and also has an airport right on the lake. Check out the Ramara Map for launch ramp and beach locations.

Lake Dalrymple

Lake Dalrymple is the perfect lake to visit for cottages, fishing, trails, wildlife, and much more. This picturesque lake makes for a wonderful family vacation, summer or winter, year after year. Check out the Ramara Guide Map for launch ramps, beaches, and cottages.

Green River & Black River

Located in the Northern section of Ramara Township in Washago, both the Green and the Black Rivers are popular spots for swimming, canoeing, boating, kayaking, and fishing. The beauty of the winding rivers is a must see when visiting Ramara Township. Check out the Ramara Guide Map to see the location of the Green and Black Rivers.

The Ramara Trail

The 5km trail that is built upon the abandoned CN rail begins in Atherley and stretches North into Rama offering a beautiful view of the Ramara countryside and historic weirs. The trail has four season usage, in the winter being transformed into a snowmobile trail.

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Northern Lights on Lake St. John, Ramara
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