Distances to nearest towns from Red Lake (miles):
- Winnipeg (Manitoba) - 290 MI
- Thunder Bay (Ontario) - 355 MI
- Minneapolis MN - 590 MI
- Chicago IL - 945 MI
- International Falls - 290 MI
- Duluth MN - 448 MI
- Milwaukee WI - 894 MI
- Des Moines IA - 845 MI
- Kansas City KS - 1062 MI
- Indianapolis IN - 1192 MI
Where is Red Lake, How do I get there?
Red Lake is located at the end of Highway 105. If you are driving from the U.S., the easiest way to get to Red Lake is to go through the International Falls/Fort Frances border. Go east from Fort Frances on Highway 11 for approximately 30 km (18 miles), then head north on Highway 502. When you reach Highway 17, turn west (left) away from Dryden (or make a right if you'd like to stop in Dryden for a bite to eat or do some last minute shopping) and head towards Vermilion Bay for 45 km (28 miles). At Vermilion Bay, take Highway 105 north 172 km (106 miles) to the Municipality of Red Lake.
From Winnipeg, you'll take the Trans Canada Highway (Highway 1 in Manitoba and Highway 17 in Ontario) and go east for about 305 km (182 miles) until you reach Vermilion Bay. At Vermilion Bay, take Highway 105 north 172 km (106 miles) to the Municipality of Red Lake.
If you're driving from Thunder Bay, you'll take the Trans Canada Highway 17 and go west 385 km (230 miles) until you reach Vermilion Bay. From the junction of Highway 17 & 105, take Highway 105 north 172 km (106 miles) to Red Lake.
When you have reached the Red Lake District, you will find yourself at the 3 way intersection outside of Red Lake/Balmertown. At this intersection you can choose to go forward to the town of Red Lake or to turn right towards Balmertown taking Highway 105, you need to take Highway 105. After turning into Balmertown, follow Dickenson Road (the road you enter Balmertown on) for 3 blocks until you see the Esso Gas Station, the Balmer Hotel is located beside the Esso.