Great Lakes student loans phone number

January 23, 2014
The Tri-Star: Tom Bihn s

Your 1098-E Student Loan Interest Statement has one of the most important numbers we'll give you this year—the amount of interest paid on your student loans in 2015.

Why is this number so important? Because you might be able to deduct some or all of it from your income on your federal tax return, which could reduce the amount you pay in income tax—good news!

What do I do with my 1098-E?

Image of a 1098-E Form

You'll have one 1098-E for each account listed on your Account Summary.

To file your taxes, you don't need a physical copy of your 1098-E. Check with a tax advisor to determine how much of the interest paid on your student loans in the previous year is tax deductible. If you have more than one account, you'll need to look at multiple statements and add the numbers together for your total deduction. Enter the amount from box 1 into the student loan interest deduction portion of your tax return.

If you want a physical copy of your 1098-E for your records, just print it out from our website. It's as easy as that!

What interest payments are included on my 2015 1098-E

The interest on payments received by 5:00 p.m. Central time on December 31, 2015 will be included on your 2015 1098-E. Interest on payments received or scheduled after that time will appear on next year's statements.

Interest payments received by 5:00 p.m. Central time on December 31, 2015 are included on your 2015 1098-E.

You'll receive an email reminder or letter with your 2015 1098-E.

Where can I find more information?

The IRS website and Publication 970, Tax Benefits for Education, have more information on how to deduct your student loan interest. You can also complete the Student Loan Interest Deduction worksheet in the Form 1040 or 1040A instructions.

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